Main Menu by Pshaf001

So I had to design a Main menu for the Game. Luckily I could make this on a separate unity project and export the scene. 

So I drew a rough sketch on what I wanted the Mainmenu to look like. Now it was time to make it in Unity. I made a canvas and added 3 text mesh Pro buttons to it. The reason I went for text mesh pro was due to the animations it had when hovering or clicking on the button. I changed the text for each one to match the drawing. 

Once I had all the button layout it was time to make the code to make the button function. For the setting button, I used Unity on click function to change the game object to true or false. This would be for later on. For the Start and Exit button, I created a new Script 

For the exit button, I was really simple I used the code Applicatio.quit to quit the game. For the start button, I had to use Unity scencemanger to pick the next which in this case was "Game".

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